Press Releases

The OSM and Radio-Canada join forces with the MIMCThe OSM and Radio-Canada join forces with the MIMC [PDF]

Montreal, February 20, 2012 — In this pivotal year symbolically marking the 10th year of the MIMC, which was founded in 2002, the Competition is especially proud to be teaming up with two key partners: the OSM and Radio-Canada.

Selection detailsSelection details [PDF]

Montreal, February 8, 2012 — With about three months to go before the start of the 2012 Voice edition of the MIMC, 159 applications from 31 countries have been received, among which 62 men and 97 women.

The members of the juryThe members of the jury [PDF]

Montreal, December 6, 2011 – The Montreal International Musical Competition announces the names of the jury members for the Competition’s upcoming 2012 Voice edition.

$175,000 for the Montreal International Musical Competition$175,000 for the Montreal International Musical Competition [PDF]

Montreal, October 24, 2011 — Vinum & Musica, the annual event benefiting the Montreal International Musical Competition (MIMC), held in partnership with the SAQ, took place last Wednesday evening in Montreal and raised an amount of $175,000.

And the laureates of the special awards are…And the laureates of the special awards are… [PDF]

Montreal, June 3, 2011 — The Montreal International Musical Competition officially announces the names of the winners of the special awards.

And the laureates are…And the laureates are… [PDF]

Montreal, June 1, 2011 — The Montreal International Musical Competition announces the names of the 3 winners of the 2011 Pia Edition. The names of the winners of the Special Awards will be revealed on Friday, June 3.

And the finalists are…And the finalists are… [PDF]

Montreal, May 28, 2011 — The Montreal International Musical Competition announces the six finalists and the detailed schedule of the Finals.

And the semi-finalists are…And the semi-finalists are… [PDF]

Montreal, May 26, 2011 – The Montreal International Musical Competition (MIMC) announces the twelve semi-finalists and the detailed schedule of the Semi-finals.

Launch of the MIMCLaunch of the MIMC [PDF]

Montreal, May 17, 2011 — Highligts : candidates, programming and new activities

24 pianists selected from around the world24 pianists selected from around the world [PDF]

Montreal, April 12, 2011 — As spring makes its way to Montreal, the MIMC’s Direction is pleased to announce that 24 candidates, 8 women and 16 men from 12 countries have been invited to take part in the Quarter Final round.