« Rena Shereshevskaya, the empress of piano. From Rémi Geniet* to Lucas Debargue**, the Russian teacher trained and consulted best pianists of the younger French generation » – under this title a French journal “Figaro” (7.08.18) published an article about this pianist and professor of piano with an international reputation
Rena Shereshevskaya is appointed “Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres” (France), the laureate of the “Ippolitov-Ivanov International Prize in the field of the musical education”, the Honorary Professor of the Moscow Ippolitov-Ivanov Superior Musico-Pédagogical Institut.
A graduate of the Moscow Tchaikovsky State Conservatory and of the post-graduate course of the same Conservatory, she had been teaching during 11 years in the famous Central Special Music School for Gifted Children at the Moscow Tchaikovsky State Conservatory and then was a head of a piano chair at the Moscow Ippolitov-lvanov Superior Musico – Pedagogical Institut. After teaching at the master classes at the Colmar International Festival (Art Director Vladimir Spivakov) she was invited in 1993 to work in France as a guest professor, at first at the Colmar National Conservatory and then at the Paris National Superior Conservatory (CNSMDP), Rueil-Malmaison Conservatory and at the Ecole Normale de Music de Paris Alfred Cortot” where she still works.
She has published in French and foreign magazines a number of articles on the problems of the musical education and was Olivier Bellamy’s guest at his program “Passion Classique” at the “Radio Classique” station. In parallel with her intensive pedagogical activity she also performs chamber music.