Piano 2021 Edition
Winner of the 2019 Hilton Head International Piano Competition, Chaeyoung Park has received top awards in numerous national and international competitions. She has performed in such halls as Orchestra Hall at Chicago Symphony Center, Merkin Hall at Kaufman Music Center in New York, Cleveland Museum of Art, Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall; she has worked with renowned artists such as Leon Fleisher, Jerome Lowenthal, Robert Levin, Boris Slutsky, Jorge Osorio, Michael Stern and John Perry. Chaeyoung is a proud recipient of a Juilliard Kovner Fellowship.
2019 Hilton Head International Piano Competition 에서 우승한 박채영은 다수의 국내외 대회에서 우승한 경력이 있다. Chicago Symphony Center의 Orchestra Hall, 뉴욕에 위치한 Kaufman Music Center의 Merkin Hall, Cleveland Museum of Art, 카네기 홀 내 Weill Recital Hall 등에서 연주 활동을 펼쳐왔다. Leon Fleisher, Jerome Lowenthal, Rober Levin, Boris Slutsky, Jorge Osorio, Michael Stern 그리고 John Perry 와 같은 유명 아티스트들과 협업한 경력이 있다. 박채령은 Juilliard Kovner Fellowship을 받았다.
2015-: Robert McDonald
2007-2015: Jack Winerock
Prizes and Awards
2019- Hilton Head International Piano Competition- 1st Prize
2017- Juilliard Gina Bachauer Scholarship Competition- 1st Prize
2016- Gina Bachauer International Young Artists Competition: Silver Medal
HAYDN: Sonata in B-flat major, Hob. XVI.41
Allegro • Allegro di molto
BARTÓK: Out of Doors, SZ 81, BB 89
With Drums and Pipes • Barcarolla • Musettes • The Night’s Music • The Chase
RACHMANINOFF: Sonata No. 2 in B-flat minor, Op. 36 (1931 version)
Allegro agitato • Non allegro (Lento) • Allegro molto
BACH: Toccata in F-sharp minor, BWV 910
BURGE: Three of the Twenty-Four Preludes
Allegro energico • Spring Thaw • Off-beat Waltz
BRAHMS: Sonata No. 3 in F minor, Op. 5
Allegro maestoso • Andante espressivo • Scherzo (Allegro energico) • Intermezzo (Andante molto) • Finale (Allegro moderato ma rubato)
Chaeyoung Park is generously sponsored by Nicole Poliquin.