Violin 2016

ayana tsuji
First Prize
Offered by the Ville de Montréal
André-Bachand Award for the best performance of the compulsory Canadian work in the semifinals
Offered by Jean-Claude and Raymond Bachand
Award for the best semifinal recital
Offered by Wilder & Davis
Award for the best performance of a Sonata in the semifinal round
Offered by Tourisme Montréal
Bach Award for the best performance of a work by J.S. Bach in the quarter-final round
Offered by the Montreal Bach Festival
Paganini Award for the best performance of a Caprice by Paganini in the quarter-final round
Offered by E. Noël Spinelli, C.M., C.Q.

bomsori kim
South Korea
Second Prize
Offered by Canimex
Radio-Canada People’s Choice Award

Third Prize
Offered by Stingray

CMIM Grant
For the three unranked finalists
Offered by Maurice Deschamps

France – Russia
CMIM Grant
For the three unranked finalists
Offered by Joseph Rouleau

South Korea
CMIM Grant
For the three unranked finalists
Offered by Peter Symcox
pierre amoyal (france)
Boris brott (Canada)
Boris garlitsky (russia – france)
ida kavafian (Armenia – united states)
mihaela martin (romania)
vera tsu wei ling (china)
kathleen winkler (united states)
Orchestre symphonique de Montréal
Giancarlo Guerrero
Photo: Tam Lan Truong